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Trial Work Experience gives individuals with disabilities exposure to a variety of job tasks and environments. The purpose of Trial Work Experience is to assess an individual’s abilities and capacity to perform in a community integrated work setting and determine a person’s eligibility for Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.



Inroads evaluates each individual in order to assist them with developing a better understanding of who they are as a worker, as well as their strengths, interests and areas that need attention. This process culminates in a meeting with all interested parties to discuss outcomes and goal options.

How it Works?

An Inroads Employment Specialist will work one-on-one with the individual and involves arranging for and monitoring work experiences in a variety of work environments. Individuals with limited or intermittent work experience, those who have never worked outside of a sheltered environment, and adults ages 24 and under who have graduated high school often benefit from this service. TWE is not used to determine whether an individual can work at a specific job or type of employment.


Program participants must be referred by the following agencies: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Department of Education.